Mixing wet and dry dog food

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Dog food primarily comes in two forms: dry and wet. Dry comes in a large bag, while wet food comes in can.

Is it okay to mix them?

The answer is yes, but you should definitely follow some guidelines.

To start with, you should make sure both foods are high quality and meet your hound’s nutritional and other health needs.

These include, but are not limited to, vitamins, fat, protein and other micronutrients.

If your pup has some sort of health problem or requires a specific type of diet (such as a kidney disease that requires a wet food only diet), consult a veterinarian before making a change.

Many people mix dry and wet food. But what are the benefits?

They are quite varied and numerous.

Probably one of the most important is that the dog enjoys it more. Over time, you might find your hound to not finishing all the food in his or her bowl. Putting wet food on the dry food makes the meal tastier and your dog is more likely to finish it.

For a particular picky dog, a wet/dry mix has a much more intense aroma that makes it more palatable to their tastes.

A second big benefit is that it is much more cost effective. Dry food is cheaper and more  nutrient dense. So mixing some dry food with your wet food is going to be a lot more affordable than going 100% wet food.

If you keep a budget, this means you have more money leftover for things like doggie treats and toys for your hound since you’ll be saving a great deal of money.

The next benefit is that you get the advantages of both types of food at the same time.

Dry food helps oral health because it encourages chewing. There is a brushing effect that removes plaque and tartar build up and gets rid of bad breathe.

Wet food has significantly more water, so its consumption will boost the intake for your pet for this critical substance. A dry diet is 10% water while a wet one is 68-78%.

With a mixed meal, your dog will be able to enjoy both types of textures and aromas of dry and wet food.


That being said, you shouldn’t be haphazard.

Don’t place all the wet food on top of the dog food. Many pups will just cherry pick the wet food and leave the dry food as a remainder. Mix it up.

Also, you must be aware that dry food is more calorie dense than wet food. This is because there is a lot more moisture in wet food. So you can’t take a half cup of dry food and exchange it for wet. It won’t be an equal exchange of calories. If you’re trying to properly manage your dog’s weight, be sure to take the time and do the proper nutritional calculations.

If you’re at all confused at what your dog’s calorie intake should be, talk to a veterinarian. If you wait too long, your dog could develop a weight problem (and possibly even something more serious.)

When doing a change, it’s best to do it gradually. The rule of thumb is take make a small change everyday for 7 days. Although it sometimes seems your dog is a voracious eater and will chow down on anything, sometimes their stomachs are sensitive.

Also, all the food doesn’t have to be consumed at the same time. One of the biggest advantages of dry food is that it doesn’t spoil easily and keeps well. It also doesn’t have a strong aroma. You can leave it out during the day and have canned food for your pup in the evening.

Lastly, don’t forget water. Keeping your pup hydrated is a key to happiness.

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